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Guide to Electronic Signatures

Published by: DocuSign

Guide to Electronic Signatures

As work moves outside the walls of a traditional brick-and-mortar office, organizations need to adapt to stay competitive. E-signature technology is a critical part of the modern business toolkit, offering faster time to revenue, increased visibility into documents and improved customer satisfaction. On top of that, it's easy to use, mobile-friendly and legally recognized in more than 180 countries, including the United States.

If you're considering deploying an e-signature tool for your organization, this eBook gives you all the information you need to get started. It covers all the basics, including:
-Examples of industries and departments that are effectively using e-signature today
-FAQs around legality, security, and identity verification
-Benefits of transitioning from manual signatures to electronic signatures
-9 important criteria to consider in an e-signature solution

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Type: Whitepaper Length: 17 pages

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