Data Mining
Deliver individual experiences to achieve incredible results
We demand it in all aspects of our daily lives. Wherever we interact – in person or online – we want...
What Top-Performing B2B Marketers Do Differently
Marketing has become a bad word. Audiences are tired of the endless spam, calls from SDRs and the onslaught...
The Surprising Power of Online Experiments
In the fast-moving digital world, even experts have a hard time assessing new ideas. Case in point: At...
Redesigning the Customer Experience Around the Internet of Things
Frost and Sullivan recently conducted a survey of almost 500 senior customer experience (CX) executives...
Global Trends Study
Digital experience personalization is a major priority for global business leaders and investment plans...
E-signaturen 2020: nutzungsszenarien und chancen
Elektronische Signaturen sind mittlerweile Mainstream. Recherchen im Rahmen dieses Berichts haben ergeben,...
Adopting an Experimentation Philosophy
How can companies maximize their investments and take full advantage of the resources they already have...
Microsoft Lays Out Linkedin CRM Strategy
You have bold ambitions for your sales team. You want to—and need to—reinvent productivity. But the...
E-Signatures 2020: Use Cases and Opportunities
Electronic signatures have gone mainstream. Research for this report found that the technology is now...
Understanding the Business Value of Your eCommerce Platform
5 ways a high-quality eCommerce platform can drive ROI. You'll need to carefully define your customer...
Homeoffice 2020: vorteile und herausforderungen
Remote-Arbeit ist mittlerweile in vielen Unternehmenfester Bestandteil des Geschäftsalltags. Ziel dieses...
Building a Robust Experimentation Capability
Organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are turning to experimentation to relentlessly pursue...
Automate Performance with Marketing Automation
Marketing automation has become a must-have for modern marketing teams. And as a platform that streamlines,...
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