Market Research
2021 Technology Trends IT in Focus
In a world where commercial success is increasingly defined by the quality of the customer experience...
Intelligent Authentication and Fraud Prevention Intelliview
In this third annual Intelliview, Opus Research and SymNex Consulting provide enterprise decision-makers...
Supercharge Your Marketing with Mapp's Digital Services
Mapp Cloud brings customer acquisition and customer engagement together in one simple platform infused...
B2B Digital Commerce: Understanding Customer Expectations
Now more than ever, an enterprise's ability to understand the needs of their customers and respond quickly...
15 New Experiences to Try Right Now
The shift to digital-first buying, along with the corresponding rise in engagement, means marketers have...
Sixth Annual B2B Marketing Data Report
Data is top of mind for many B2B marketers. But do they have the right data to drive success? For the...
2021 Global Customer Engagement Review
We analyzed data from three different sources to create the first Global Customer Engagement Review....
The Surprising Power of Online Experiments
In the fast-moving digital world, even experts have a hard time assessing new ideas. Case in point: At...
Building a Robust Experimentation Capability
Organizations like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google are turning to experimentation to relentlessly pursue...
Winning the Race to go Digital in B2B
Digital is the New Differentiator. Changing buyer preferences, ever-growing competitive threats, and...
Marketing in the Dark : Dark Data
The rise of marketing technology has in some ways shined a light into areas that were previously hard...
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